.The Coolest Neighborhood in Town
This neighborhood is located between the Aliyah streets in the east, Elifeleton the west, Jaffa Pathway and Shlomo Path in the effervescent, youthful and full of atmosphere
There are several galleries in Florentine – and some of them display exciting exhibition works, but the real exhibition here takes place in these effervescent street quarters, young creators surge towards it from all across the country and there is a sense of maximal urbanity. Florentine was established according to a B Jaffa building plan in the zero line and therefore Florentine doesn’t have gardens or parking spots between the buildings to the street similar to the center of the city and north of it. In comparison the neighborhood expanses there are many combinations that mix up in a Florentine harmony which includes craft stores, unique stores, restaurants and bars which, along with the residents create is unique atmosphere